The Canvas Syllabus Page

The course syllabus is an essential yet unread document in most classes. Many instructors choose the “post a PDF” option in the course and direct students to it.  

PDFs are fine for readings, but they are not the best format for accessibility. A better choice is to use a Google doc for your syllabus or simply paste your syllabus content directly onto the Syllabus page in Canvas.

The Syllabus page has a dynamic Course Summary that populates with assignment due dates, creating a course calendar for your students. 

screenshot of Canvas course summary


Course Summary Advantages:

  1. Living Document. The Course Summary is flexible. You can edit due dates on the fly, or add new activities, and it instantly reflects the changes. 

  2. Automatic Linking. Once you add an assignment due date, it’s automatically populated in the Course Summary.

  3. "Jump to Today" Button. Students can easily spot activities due on that day with a single click and click directly to them.

  4. Calendar Integration. The dates you enter populate students' Canvas calendars, showing up in their to-do lists and list views.

Beyond Assignment Due Dates

Readings on Canvas Pages can auto-populate the Course Summary and students’ calendars by adding a to-do date. Ungraded discussions can also have a to-do date.

edit page settings in Canvas screenshot

Office hours and other events can be created in the calendar, along with sign-up slots for students.

Using the Canvas Syllabus Tool ensures students know what’s due and when.