Canvas tools can help you make in-person courses more engaging and manageable while saving you time.


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Course Administration

Start with the Syllabus tool on the navigation menu. Beyond a place for your syllabus content, it has a dynamic Course Summary that auto-populates the student calendar with assignment due dates and Page to-dos.

On the homepage, use announcements to update students on class changes, reminders, and events. 

Assessments and Grading

Canvas helps you manage assignments and quizzes and even handle paper-based ones with Gradescope. Try group assignments for teamwork.

The Canvas Speedgrader is just that - fast. See and annotate student work in the window and move quickly through student work. Got a bunch of feedback that's on repeat? The comment library will become your new best friend. And rubrics? They're your secret weapon for communicating expectations and giving pinpoint feedback.

Content Delivery

Whether you’re using Canvas for all course features or specific tasks, make your content pop by organizing it into modules labeled by week. 

To share a couple of files per week, upload them as files in a module. Have three or more files? Craft a page, link those files, add the page to the module, and boom – your module's set. The golden rule? Always give your content descriptive labels to save your students from the "Where's the reading?" inbox avalanche.

Community Building

Canvas is a hub for building a lively community. Spark discussions that make your students think by creating discussions to chat, share, and connect class concepts with their interests.

As an instructor, use a forum to drop exciting campus happenings or for students to help each other ace the coursework. Plus, use tools like EliReview or Canvas Peer Review so students can help each other.